Just finished the derestriction of a PGM unit for David(NZ).
The derestriction took place inside the ECU and will allow any Nsr250 mc21 to run in it's full potential.
No need of any fancy boxes or cutting of the wiring loom while using this PGM unit.
This modification is not part of my work/ research, it is an old and well known modification that I'm offering under a new approach.
The derestriction took place inside the ECU and will allow any Nsr250 mc21 to run in it's full potential.
No need of any fancy boxes or cutting of the wiring loom while using this PGM unit.
This modification is not part of my work/ research, it is an old and well known modification that I'm offering under a new approach.
Please, do not confuse a "derestricted" PGM with a racing ECU unit like the ones that HRC offers.
If you are planning to race or extract every last bit of your bike while still keeping some drivability, then HRC is the way to go. Though, if you have no other alternatives, then the derestriction of a stock PGM along with an altered base ignition advance will help a lot.
More modifications on stock PGM units are under development.
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